What Does “Wide is the Gate and Broad is the Road to Destruction” Mean?

In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus uses a metaphor to talk about two paths we can take in life. One path has a wide gate and a broad road that lead to destruction. The other has a small gate and a narrow road that lead to life.

But what does this really mean for us today? Here’s my quick and easy summary.

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The wide gate and broad road

A wide gate is big and easy to enter. A broad road is simple to walk and easy to stay on.

Wide is the Gate and Broad is the Road to Destruction

But Jesus teaches us that these actually symbolize living a life without walking with God. It’s about doing whatever feels good—chasing money, fame, power, or other “earthly treasures.”

In short, people on this path rarely stop to ask, or even care, if their choices honor God. Instead, they prioritize their own desires over His will, often unaware or not bothered by the spiritual danger in their actions.

Path to destruction

While this path may feel good in the short term, Jesus clearly warns that it ultimately leads to destruction. In this case, destruction means the personal choice to be away from the goodness of God, both now and for eternity. 2 Thessalonians 1:9 describes it as being “shut out from the presence of the Lord.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a really bad outcome to me.

The small gate and narrow road

In contrast, the small gate and narrow road are harder to find and follow, but Jesus says they lead to life—eternal life with God. This path requires effort, faith, and trust in Him, but it’s completely worth it.

The small gate

The small gate starts with our faith in Jesus and a daily choice to follow His ways. It’s not about being “perfect” but about letting God guide and transform us as He teaches us to love, forgive, and serve others. Along the journey, we grow spiritually, bear the fruit of the Spirit, and build a life deeply rooted in our relationship with Him.

Unlike the broad gate, far fewer people choose this path because it often means turning away from what the world values, like self-interest, pride, or greed.

This can be challenging at times. Yet, those who choose to walk this path with God will find true peace, purpose, and a deep connection with Him—and the ultimate reward is eternal life in heaven, in His presence.

Narrow is the road

Jesus reminds us that we can’t walk this path alone. He says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Trusting in Jesus is the only way to enter the small gate and stay on the narrow road. We need God’s help every step of the way.

What should we do?

This teaching invites us to reflect on how we lead our lives. Are we taking the easy road that ignores God and leads to destruction, or the harder but faithful path that leads to life? Psalm 1 highlights this same choice, as explained in our video below.

The better choice is clear. Jesus calls us to leave the broad road and follow Him on the narrow path. While the path of faith isn’t always easy, it’s the only way to live a life that honors God and brings us true joy, both now and forever.

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Levan Wee

Levan is a core team member of Bible Bento. He enjoys writing, making videos, worshipping God, and playing games on his PlayStation.