What is the Fruit of the Spirit? | A Short Explanation

Let’s briefly explore the fruit of the Holy Spirit—nine qualities that God will grow in us as we keep walking with Him. I’ll explain what each one means and give easy examples.

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What is the fruit of the Spirit?

In Galatians 5:22-23, the Apostle Paul talks about the “fruit” of the Holy Spirit. He says: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

Fruit of the Spirit

Each quality has a special meaning in the original Greek language. Let’s take a look:

1. Love (Agapē – ἀγάπη)

Meaning: This is a selfless kind of love that puts others first, without expecting something in return. It’s not just about brief feelings of affection, but about choosing to truly care for others, even when it’s difficult.


  • Helping others: Volunteering at a local shelter or helping a friend with their homework, without looking for praise or rewards.
  • Forgiving: Letting go of anger when someone hurts you, and choosing to forgive instead of staying mad.
  • Acts of sacrifice: Giving up your free time to help a family member or someone you care about.
Agapē - ἀγάπη

2. Joy (chará – χαρά)

Meaning: This is a deep sense of happiness that comes from knowing God—an inner joy that stays through tough times, lasts through changing situations, and can even lift up others around you.


  • Positive outlook: Finding something to appreciate even when plans don’t go as expected, like making the most out of a sudden change.
  • Spreading cheer: Sharing a kind word or gesture with a friend who’s struggling, bringing a bit of happiness into their day.
  • Contentment: Enjoying the simple moments with family and friends, feeling happy in the moment without needing anything extra.
Chara - χαρά

3. Peace (Eirēnē – εἰρήνη)

Meaning: This means feeling calm and safe because you trust God. It’s having a quiet heart, even when everything around you may be loud and chaotic.


  • Calm in chaos: Staying relaxed during a stressful situation, like a big test, because you know God is with you whatever the outcome.
  • Harmony with others: Avoiding fights, steering clear of gossip and arguments, and helping others get along.
  • Inner stillness: Taking the time to pray or meditate on His Word, allowing God’s peace to fill your heart.
Eirēnē - εῐρήνη

4. Patience (Makrothumia – μακροθυμία)

Meaning: The ability to stay calm and endure difficult situations without getting angry or upset, even when things take longer than expected.


  • Waiting gracefully: Staying calm without complaining when stuck in traffic or in a slow-moving line.
  • Understanding mistakes: Being patient with someone who’s learning something new and not getting annoyed.
  • Long-term goals: Working steadily toward a goal or dream from God, even when things don’t always go smoothly.

5. Kindness (chrēstótēs – χρηστότης)

Meaning: Being good and gentle to others, always ready to help and show care.


  • Small gestures: Holding the door open or giving up your seat for someone who needs it.
  • Compassion: Comforting a sad friend or helping someone in a tough situation, rooted in empathy.
  • Sharing: Letting someone use your things or sharing what you have with others.
Sharing is caring

6. Goodness (agathōsúnē – ἀγαθωσύνη)

Meaning: Doing what’s right and standing up for others, even when it’s not easy or popular, and may require giving something up.


  • Standing up for others: Defending someone who is being treated unfairly.
  • Being honest: Telling the truth even when a lie would be easier for yourself.
  • Choosing fairness: Giving people respect, no matter their background, even when you may not always agree with them.
Agathōsunē - ἀγαθωσύνη

7. Faithfulness (pístis – πίστις)

Meaning: Focused on being dependable and trustworthy; doing your best to keep your promises and stay loyal.


  • Keeping promises: Being there when you said you would and following through on your word.
  • Loyal bonds: Sticking with your loved ones in both good and tough times.
  • Consistent faith: Spending regular time with God and holding onto biblical beliefs.
Pistis - πίστις

8. Gentleness (Prautēs – πραΰτης)

Meaning: Being humble and calm, showing strength by staying kind and gentle.


  • Calm responses: Speaking softly when someone is rude instead of reacting angrily.
  • Tender care: Taking care of a younger sibling or a pet with kindness.
  • Humble actions: Quietly helping someone in need rather than bragging about your good deeds to others.
Prautēs - πραῐ͂της

9. Self-Control (enkráteia – ἐγκράτεια)

Meaning: This means staying in control of your actions and emotions, making good choices even when you’re tempted to do otherwise.


  • Healthy habits: Picking healthy foods instead of eating junk food all the time.
  • Controlling anger: Taking a moment to calm down so you don’t say something mean when you’re upset.
  • Avoiding temptations: Saying ‘no’ to things you know aren’t good, like gossiping or cheating.

Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit

Just as physical fruit takes time to grow, developing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives is a gradual process. God knows exactly how to nurture us when we choose to abide in Him. He patiently works in us, helping these qualities take root and blossom.

To nurture these qualities, it’s super helpful to spend time praying, reading the Bible, and surrounding yourself with supportive people. Try practicing small acts of love, joy, and peace in your everyday life. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, learn from others who show these traits, and take a moment to reflect on how you’re growing with God. Be patient with yourself, and trust that He’ll give you the strength to grow, one step at a time.

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Levan Wee

Levan is a core team member of Bible Bento. He enjoys writing, making videos, worshipping God, and playing games on his PlayStation.